A review and remake of the Sweetest Menu BEST Cinnamon Apple Cake recipe.
Tag: Recipe
Lactation Cookies
Looking for a small boost for your milk supply? These delicious cookies have 3 active galactagogue ingredients - oats, brewers yeast and flaxseed meal. Sometimes it can be hard to find the time to fix a proper meal when you're in between changing nappies and feeding bub, having a stash of these ready to go … Continue reading Lactation Cookies
Mixed Berry & Ricotta Cake
I originally stumbled across this recipe while searching for something to make with some leftover ricotta cheese I had after making a lasagne. This is an absolutely amazing cake - moist, light, and the pops of berry in it is just heaven. A light dusting of icing sugar is all it needs for a gorgeous … Continue reading Mixed Berry & Ricotta Cake