Everyone loves a good macaron, don’t they? Now imagine a cake topped with loads of them! Not just a few, a complete STACKARON! That’s what I can offer, something a little bit special for those macaron lovers out there, all custom made to tie in with the flavour of the cake – something just for you!
This Macaron Stackaron was Snickers themed. It was a double barrel (ie 2 tiers of the same size stacked on top of each other) 8″ chocolate mudcake. Filled with my own special peanut butter frosting, coated with caramel buttercream (using REAL homemade caramel – not just a flavouring :)). Complete with caramel and chocolate drips, toasted peanuts (that I toast myself because it makes a HUGE difference!) and then a stack of macarons that, in this case, were chocolate shells and filled with a variety of Snickers themed fillings.
Knowing that I would be cooking 4 layers of the same size, I decided to go out and buy 3 extra 8″ tins. I have done a few cakes in the past where I did one cake at a time, back to back to back… and it takes hoooours. My time, I’ve now realised, is precious and I wanted to try and do it all in one go. I did manage to do it which was amazing – although I did have a giggle when I was doing the batter for all of it. HUUUGE pot for the melted ingredients, my largest bowl available to mix it all together… 13 eggs, about 700g of chocolate, about 700g of butter, just over 1.5kg of sugar – I did manage it though which was a miracle and it saved my sanity doing it all in one go 🙂
The caramel frosting I use takes a little bit of time to set up, but it’s so worth it for the real caramel in it. However, in this case I omit any additional salt – I just wanted regular caramel, not salted caramel.
Unfortunately when I was making this cake it was a rather hot day in my kitchen so it took a lot longer to get the elements ready in time (I’ve noted this for experience as this was my first “summer cake”). I was rather embarrassed to have to inform the customers that I would probably need another hour or 2 to get it all done, although I am *so very blessed* to have them be so understanding about it all. Thankfully there was still time before the party, so they came back a little later to collect once it was all done and set in the fridge.
- Macaron Stackaron 2.0 – top view
- Macaron Stackaron 2.0 – top half
- Macaron Stackaron 2.0 – bottom half