The Rainbow Checkerboard

So this was my very first checkerboard rainbow cake! I can see myself making more in the future šŸ˜‰

I used a special checkerboard cake tin kit before you get too excited. Once the batter is in the pans, it looks like this:

Cake batter pans

The cake batter ready in the cake pans for baking

What I’ve learnt from this experimental cake was:

  • The ratio of batter for each layer’s divisions was 1:3:6
  • It would have been better had I used 2 quantities of cake mix / batter (in this instance I made my own butter cake)
  • The amount of buttercream frosting that I used was 3/4 of the frosting recipe. And that was enough to do the cake, and also used to make extra cake pops with all the cut-offs after leveling the cakes.

Side-top view of the cake

Side-top view of the cake


Close up of the side of the cake

The first slice of cake cut out

The first slice of cake cut out

Rainbow checkerboard cake

Behold: the rainbow checkerboard effect!

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